EXHIBITORS – North Entrance
Vendors please enter through North doors for set-up.
ATTENDEES – South Entrance
Attendees & Visitors please park and enter through the South side of the building for Registration.

Educational and sales collateral
Samples, other food products, giveaways*
Instruments and equipment
Booths must have the appropriate personnel for the entire duration of the event
** Note: Handing out samples of product? You must fill out the Authorization form and email to: cactusift@gmail.com to acknowledge your acceptance of the rules and regulations. All requests will be automatically approved upon your signature.
Decorations on ceilings, painted surfaces, columns, fabric, decorative walls (no adhesive decals)
Nothing is allowed on Shine Auditorium Walls
Activities or loud noises that disturb other exhibitors
Solicitations, interviews, or distribution of literature outside of the confines of your booth space
Your display may not be placed in the aisle.

Please support Cactus IFT with Exhibitor-Sponsored door prizes! Cactus IFT will choose and announce the winners.
Cancellations made in writing on/or before December 31 will receive 100% refund.
Cancellations from Jan 1 – March 15 will receive 50% refund. There will be no refunds after March 15.
Exhibitor badges will be picked up onsite in the registration area.

Inbound Shipping
Material handling fee must be paid in advance through Eventbrite registration HERE.
Incoming shipments can be scheduled to arrive 1-3 business days before the show. They must arrive on a weekday.
Sample Inbound Shipping Label: HERE
Outbound Shipping
See EL ZARIBAH SHRINE DRAYAGE INFORMATION below for specific instructions!
1) Bring your own return shipping label (it must have a barcode)
2) Pay the materials handling fee in advance through Eventbrite registration HERE.
3) It is the responsibility of the exhibiting company to contact their carrier and make arrangements for pick-up directly from the show site.
4) All exhibit materials must be removed during tear-down. Any exhibit materials remaining at the conclusion of tear-down are considered abandoned and will be disposed of.
5) Note on outbound shipment about estimating weight and number of packages returning: The shipping company will only charge based on what you actually ship.
Cargo Insurance
We recommend that all Exhibitors carry All-Risk Insurance covering your materials against damage, loss and all other hazards from the time of shipping to returning from the show. This can usually be done by adding “riders” to existing policies. Exhibit Services, Inc. and most freight carriers have very limited liability if any responsibility for your shipments or cargo.
Please ensure that your shipments are covered by your insurance policies.
(For those purchasing advertising)
Program – FOUR artwork files are needed:
Black & White JPEG (300 dpi or higher)
Color JPEG (300 dpi or higher)
Black & White High Resolution.EPS.
Color High Resolution.EPS
Slide Show – Two options:
See EL ZARIBAH SHRINE DRAYAGE INFORMATION below for specific instructions!
We can use the above Color JPEG, or,
You can send an additional JPEG with a more simplified ad for easy reading in the slide rotation. It should be horizontal in orientation to maximize the space available in the slide view.
Ad dimensions:
Full Page = 8 x 10 1/2″
Half Page (horizontal) = 8 x 5 1/8″
Half Page (Vertical) = 3 7/8 x 10 1/2″
1/4 Page = 3 7/8 x 5 1/8″
Slideshow ad = 10 x 5 1/2